These little guys took me a long time. But I guess December is usually a write off for anyone. I did happen to refine a couple of techniques and think it will greatly speed up my painting of infantry. I'm going to really try my best to stay away from tanks and get some infantry and gun teams done. I tried a couple of different things here. I used two different base coats, and two different washes.

2nd, I used BF's Khaki Grey (880). BF paint really sucks in an airbrush. Its just crazy thick, and I've yet to find a good solution. This time I used 1:1 Windex and paint. Didn't work to bad, but it still clogged the airbrush after a bit. For these guys I used 5 parts W&N Peat brown and 1 part Future. This stuff is fantastic for faces and hands. But I think I like the black better for uniforms.
The next time I'm going to try and paint the uniforms with the black wash, and the peat brown for hands and faces. we'll see how hard it is to separate.
One of the things that took so long on these guys was the highlighting. the old way I would do a heavy dry brush over black primer for the base coat, and then a highlight dry bush. But now with the airbrush, I decided to try painting the highlights. This took for ever. Plus I really wasn't sure what to highlight. If I skip this step or at least not do as much, I will be able to paint infantry way faster then I used to.
Anyway, hopefully everyone has a great holiday. I'll leave you with a picture of the loot I received for Christmas.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!